Author’s statement
Unplanned paintings. I start the painting by entering into the unknown, with feelings expressed in abstract expressions. I allow the content of the painting to grow on its own.
I do not stick to the first associations or my expectations, but follow the structure of the painting until unplanned scenes are born … not as random as it may seem.
The process of painting is a field of exploration, which helps me to understand and perceive the structure of reality. In my work I am guided by a sense of discovery and view it as a journey into the collective unconscious … into the inner, dream world. The experience of all the ages lies there – the code of self-awareness that opens the door to mythological narratives, which the viewer can sense and identify with.
Surreal images that emerge in my work describe the living mythical world, which we each carry within ourselves. In my paintings, I seek to create a refuge, a medium that allows observers of the image to reflect and meditate on this inner world, which expresses the language of myths, metaphors and archetypes.
My story begins in Lithuania, but art is where my journey starts. Trained as a painter and then as a painting restorer at Cambridge Regional College and my homeland, I started working as an art director in one of the largest advertising agencies in Lithuania. However, after 6 years, an overwhelming desire for a more profound knowledge of the universe and myself woke me up from the corporate dream. I traveled to search for the answers in the Andes and the Amazon jungle. These spiritual journeys have opened up to me a unique perception of the world. The sensation of the subtle world and Nature has become the greatest source of inspiration. Thanks to all the experiences, I can finally walk my artistic path guided by my heart.
1987.09.21 – born in Kaunas, Lithuania;
2006-2007 – studied Drawing and Painting in Cambridge Regional College (United Kingdom);
2007-2010 – graduated Painting Restoration in Kaunas College Faculty of Arts (Lithuania);
2011-2017 – worked as an Art Director in advertising agency „VRS WPI Vilnius“ (Lithuania);
2015-2018 – launched a „Faust Watches“ brand. Gained experience in product design and marketing;
2018-2020 – strengthened painting skills by visiting courses held by profesional painting teachers, artists – Linas Liandsbergis and Virginijus Kasinskas (Lithuania);
2019 – full time professional artist (self-employed);
2020 – film maker and author of environmental project „Sventa Zeme“.
Exhibitions and art events
2018.09 – „Luxemburg Art Prize“, certified participation;
2019.09 – Created a series of paintings „Holy Trash“ with a famous Lithuanian artist Algis Krisciunas on the topic of plastic pollution. Paintings has already been in 7 different exhibitions. The exhibition continues its journey and attracts more and more attention;
2019.09 – Art instalation „Bleeding Ocean“ on the topic of plastic pollution at MO Museum (Vilnius, Lithuania);
2020.09 – „Luxemburg Art Prize“, certified participation;
2021.09 – Personal painting exhibition (Trakai, Lithuania);
2021.09 – „Luxemburg Art Prize“, certified participation;
2020.12 – „What will remain?“ an art instalation on the topic of endangered biodiversity (Kaunas, Lithuania);
2021.12 – Group show at Christmas Pop Up event in St. Catherine Church (Vilnius, Lithuania);
2021.12 – Participant of auction held by „Lions Club Smilte“. Painting „Palace of Perkunas“ sold for the highest price in event – 2500 Eur. All the money were dedicated to charity.
2022.05 – Group show at Smart Pop Up event in Lukiškės jail 2.0, Vilnius
2022.06 – Exhibition in international art fair “Art Compensa” curated by Ignas Kazakevicius;
2022.07 – Participant in openair art gallery “Menas be stogo” (Vilnius);
2022.09 – Open studio exhibition (Vilnius, Lithuania);
2022.09 – „Luxemburg Art Prize“, certified participation;
2022.11 – Virtual painting exhibition in forest gallery (Švenčionėliai, Lithuania);
2022.11 – Personal painting exhibition in Šilai Center of Culture (Lithuania);
2023.02 – “Unplanned paintings” personal painting exhibition at Trakų Vokė Manor (Lithuania);
2023.09 – Participant of auction held by „Mamų unija“.
Painting „We Become Gods“ sold for – 10,000 Eur. All the money were dedicated to charity;
2024.02 – “Dimension of the Heart” personal painting exhibition at “Tech Arts” (Rupert) Vilnius, Lithuania;
2024.05 – “Water Body” personal painting exhibition and performance at “Boksto SPA”;
2024.06 – Featured in “Friend of the Artist” emerging artists publication “Volume 18”;
2024.10 – Personal painting exhibition with Baltic Sotheby’s at Pirklių klubas”;
My paintings are held in the private collections in the Germany, United Kingdom, Dubai, Norway and Lithuania.